abstinence, sobriety

Inpatient treatment centre + Borderline / Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (BPD or EUPD)

I did a bit of research about inpatient treatment centres for addiction and binge eating/compulsive overeating. I've had a lot of treatment - therapy, medication and psychiatry - for depression but not for my alcoholism and eating disorders. I ended up going for a consultation at treatment centre yesterday and my insurance has approved a… Continue reading Inpatient treatment centre + Borderline / Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder (BPD or EUPD)

relapse, step work

Continued food binge + Step 9 amends

I'm on a roll with this binge - 6 days in a row!  I wish that was something to celebrate.  Today my food has been: Coffee with soymilk x 3 1 sausage roll (I usually eat meat, so I'm not sure what this is about) 5 jam doughnuts 5 chocolate doughnuts Fizzy juice drink Sparkling… Continue reading Continued food binge + Step 9 amends


Food and alcohol relapse – lacking Power

I haven't written in a few days - guess where I've been!  In a food and booze coma!  I'm very predictable; if I'm not doing well then I'll disappear, ignoring texts, calls, emails, writing, and the world in general. It all started on Tuesday.  I was doing fine, day 4 of abstinence, then BAM!  Out… Continue reading Food and alcohol relapse – lacking Power

abstinence, step work

Taking Steps 4, 5, 6 and 7 (again)

I have just taken these steps again with my sponsor, this time while abstinent.  She recommended working the steps when not in a food-fog, advice which I failed to heed the first time around last week. My Step 5 was a lot shorter this time around (5 resentments and 3 fears added) and I must… Continue reading Taking Steps 4, 5, 6 and 7 (again)